Post-lesson Guest Engagement
15 minutes after every lesson ends, every guest will get an email invitation to Relive their day. What follows is a minute-by-minute replay of every moment of magic throughout the lesson, but what really happens is a great conversation between parents and their kids, and a great starting point for a lifelong love of the mountains.
Review and Remember old lessons
For those loyal repeat guests who want to see how their kids are learning and progressing over time. Just log in and see exactly what happened for every lesson you’ve ever done at the resort.
Same-day Guest Survey Feedback
Tucked into the the Relive Your Lesson experience is a quick little guest feedback survey. This means your management team gets same-day feedback from guests about their lessons. More than that, if a guest has a poor experience you will get immediately notified so you can repair the relationship before they even leave the mountain.
Learn more about our other products that make Relive Your Lesson better.